Telegram Chatbot Widget
Depart Digital Assistant
Telegram Bot

Actuator RPA 80 - 120°, Right

maililetisim348.png (12 KB)
  • Dimensions
  • Pneumatic actuator works on the principle of pressure generated by the gas taken into a chamber. The motion can be rotary or linear, depending on the type of actuator that converts energy into mechanical motion. They are used to open or close control valves such as globe valves, butterfly valves, directional control valves.


    Aluminum body

    9 Nm ... 5162 Nm (6 bar) torque value

    RPA 120 - 120 °

    RPA 100 - 120 °

    RPA 80 - 120 °

    Size (cm)
    13.5 x 30 x 25
    Weight (Kg)
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.